Components Tab
This is required for Food-Based analysis.
- Fruit, Vegetable: Dark Green, Vegetable: Red/Orange, Vegetable: Beans/Peas/Legumes, Vegetable: Starchy, Vegetable: Other, Whole Grain-Gich, Enriched Grain, Meat/Alt, Fluid Milk and Type:
- Enter the equivalent meal components provided by one serving of the recipe, based on USDA guidelines. Example: If a recipe contains ½ cup of cooked beans per serving that provides the equivalent of 2 oz. of Meat/Alt.
- Valid increments are:
- 0.125 for fruits and vegetables
- 0.250 for grains, meat/meat alternates
- 0.125 for Milk
- The Juice/Dessert dropdown list provides two options: Juice and Dessert.
- The Other field is for items that do not contribute to any components, but are analyzed for dietary specifications (i.e. calories, saturated fat, and sodium).
- If an amount is entered here, it will show up as Other on the Production Report.
If the serving size of a recipe has been changed, do not re-calculate the component value on this tab. The value should remain "as-is."
This lists the types of milk available for the recipes.
- Check the milk types, if any that apply to the recipe.
- NOTE:A reimbursable meal must serve two (2) varieties of milk` and may choose from: unflavored skim, flavored skim, or unflavored or flavored 1% milk.